Digital Marketing Tips
20 Digital Marketing Tips for Online Marketing Success

The 20 digital marketing tips outlined below will dramatically increase your chances for succeeding online in 2020.

The list is by no means complete but it’s a good starting point for beginners to digital marketing.

What is Digital Marketing?

Before digging right into the tips for online marketing success, let me first explain what is digital marketing for those that are new to this term.

Digital marketing is marketing that is executed through the Internet and electronic devices.

It has a number of pillars but the most important are:

  • Website
  • Search engine marketing (SEM)
  • Social media marketing
  • Content marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Mobile marketing
  • Banner advertising

Digital Marketing Tips

As you can see from the image above, each component of digital marketing is a huge chapter on its own.

Nevertheless, I will try below to summarize the most important tips for each component so that you increase your chances of successful online marketing.

Web Site Tips

#1 Use your own domain – Buy a domain name that is relevant for your business and use it to build your brand.

#2 Use a VPS – Spending $20-$40 a month for your own virtual private server is not that much compared to the benefits you get.

#3 Make it professional – Spend some time thinking about your website structure and look and feel. Identify the purpose of having a website and make sure that this is reflected in the design.

#4 Make it fast – Try to make your website as fast as possible by avoiding unnecessary graphics or other cosmetic elements.

Search Engine Marketing Tips

#5 Spend time on SEO – SEO is not a once off process but something that you have to do as an ongoing process. If you are not sure what is the best way to do it, hire professionals to do it for you. They can help you setup an SEO strategy to get results fast.

#6 Spend money on PPC – Pay per click platforms (think Google Ads) are great because they can get you customers fast. If you are serious about your digital marketing, ppc should be part of your monthly budget.

#7 Don’t forget Bing Ads – Google Adwords is the most well-known system for PPC advertising but there is also Bing ads which can get you good results with less budget.

#8 Start slow and grow profitable – Once you start with PPC, don’t put all your money from the beginning but start slow, optimize your campaigns and make them profitable and then increase your budgets.

Social Media Marketing Tips

#9 Build your presence in the social networks that are related to your business – There are a lot of social networks available and you don’t have to use them all. Select the ones that are related to your business and potential customers and concentrate on those.

#10 Don’t over promote your business and services – Social media networks is not about business but it’s about people, so make sure that you don’t over promote your business or services but instead try to make your pages useful with content that may interest your readers.

#11 Use paid advertising – Getting social media followers for your business it’s harder than you think. People like to follow other people and interesting pages so the easiest way for you to get your pages in front of a lot of people and increase your chances of finding new followers is to use advertising.

Content Marketing Tips

#12 You need good and original content – Digital marketing is about content, whether this is text, images, videos or audio you need good and original content for your website and social media pages. Without a content marketing plan is like walking with your eyes and ears closed.

#13 You need a lot of content – There is huge competition on anything you plan to do online so you have to be ready to perform better than the competition by publishing better and more content than they do. It’s not exactly a quantities came (quality is still more important) but it does play an important role.

#14 Don’t just publish, promote as well – Publishing good content is very important but it’s also important to promote your content and bring it in front of the eyes of the right people (these are the people that are likely to become your potential customers and also more likely to re-share your content).

Email Marketing Tips

#15 Email still converts better than other sources – Despite the dominance of social networks, email still performs better than most of the digital marketing channels. A targeted email list is likely to generate more profit than a targeted social media campaign.

#16 Build an email list from the beginning – If you are starting now make sure that an email list is part of your plans. Give incentives to people to give your their emails and make sure that you don’t spam them but send them information that is useful to them.

Mobile Marketing Tips

#17 – Make a responsive website – Although you don’t have to make your website responsive, a responsive website has more advantages than having a mobile and a desktop version. It is actually recommended by Google as the best approach to mobile websites and it is also a hot trend in the digital marketing industry.

#18 – Don’t forget mobile apps – Besides having a mobile friendly website, do not forget that your users and potential customers are searching and downloading apps (like crazy) from Google Play, Apple AppStore and Amazon. If you want to be found in those stores, you need to develop and submit your own native apps.

Banner Advertising Tips

#19 – Sometimes it is just better– While PPC is the easiest and most effective way to reach customers, sometimes it is just better to find a website that has the traffic you want and contact them to buy advertising space. This way you keep the middle man out and this makes both you and the publisher happy.

Digital Marketing does not have a start and end date

#20 The opportunities are endless – A PPC or social media campaign may have a start and end date but your digital marketing efforts don’t. The opportunities for promoting your business online are endless and the above 20 digital marketing tips is just a very quick summary of what you can in each area.

What else can you add to the list? What do you think are the most important digital marketing tips that a beginner should know about?

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